Founded in 2005, CTSi is one of Maryland's most innovative, fastest growing companies. Our expertise is focused on technical solutions for the Department of Defense, NASA, and our commercial customers. CTSi is known for innovative, rapid development and close working relationships with our customers.
CTSi is a product-focused company committed to solving the hard problems for our customers. We design prototypes, build systems, and implement products, working as a highly-agile and efficient partner. We also provide training courses for our products and programs.
Founded in 2005, CTSi is one of Maryland's most innovative, fastest growing companies. Our expertise is focused on technical solutions for the Department of Defense, NASA, and our commercial customers. We're a Top Secret cleared facility known for innovative, rapid development and close working relationships with our customers.
CTSi is a product-focused company committed to solving the hard problems for our customers. We design prototypes, build systems, and implement products, working as a highly-agile and efficient partner. We also provide training courses for our products and programs.
This isn’t a system you’ll likely see on a commercial UAS in the next few years, but it’s an extraordinary technical achievement, providing GPS-like guidance to uncrewed aircraft in flight without relying on GPS...
CTSi was a proud participant in the Department Of Economic Development Celebrates Manufacturing Day held on October 7th. CTSi provided students from the St. Mary’s Public School’s James A Forrest Career and Technology Center (Forrest Center) tours of our facility showcasing our manufacturing and engineering capabilities.